Monday, October 25, 2010

A Proper Welcome

It is a cool, overcast day, the countryside is wet and muddy from a recent thunderstorm.  The Princess comes over the bridge and up the front path, sloshing through the puddles of rain water as she goes.  She stops at the front door to scrap her shoes on the welcome mat before stepping inside.  
Hello there!  I'm back to give you a proper greeting.  Come into the mourning room and have a set, here let me get you a cup of hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll.  There, all comfortable?  Maybe another roll?  No?  Right, now to business.  Today is the perfected kind of day to curl up with a good book, or maybe a good movie.  I personally prefer the good book, but, this being a party we couldn't all just sit around reading books.  That would seem a little antisocial.  We could watch a movie.  Or, we could explore the castle.  Do I hear a calmer of applause from my guests?  Good!  I haven't explored all the castle yet, so this will be fun for all of us.  

That other hall leads to the kitchens we can go there another time. 
This hall, I don't know were this hall goes.  Lets try it.

Hay!  Look a spiral staircase.  Want to go down?  Sure, why not. 

You know this staircase goes below ground level, maybe there is a dungeon down here.  It's getting really dark in here, did any of you bring a flashlight by chance?  No?  Oh bother, there isn't going to be any light down there.  We need some lights, who volunteers to go back and get some flashlights or torches?  (cricket cricket)  Alright, I guess I'll have to.  Wait, let me see what time it is, I have a fencing lesson at 4:00.  Ohh, I have to go, sorry everyone but we won't be able to explore any farther today.  Maybe tomorrow, if I can get away.

Until next time then good-by
The Hidden Princess

Be sure to bring lots of matches next time. :P

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A small girl comes running up the path, cuts through the garden, and slips in at the side door.  Panting and out of breath from her run, she collapses on to the couch in the library. 

Greetings everyone, sorry for my hasty entrance, but I don't have much time.  I just came by to  say hi, and welcome you all here to my castle for the first time.  Now, I have to go, I know this is a rather rushed first meeting, but time is presing and there are things that I have to do somewhere else.  Good-by for now.

The Hidden Princess